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One of a kind addiction podcast.

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A real-life approach to living sober, an addiction podcast, supportive community, and Coaching services. Join us!

912, 2020

Expectations Are Premeditated Resentments

Expectations are premeditated resentments. When I started this journey of recovery, this is yet another piece of my puzzle that I didn’t understand or recognize. I had zero understanding that I put all these expectations on people and outcomes and

212, 2020

Protect Your Sobriety Through Holiday Stress

Holiday season comes the same time every year, there is no excuse for not being prepared. This season will probably be a little different because of corona virus but don't sit back and do nothing, and wait for the overwhelm to

2511, 2020

Selfish & Self-Centered

Selfish. Excessively concerned with oneself with no regard for the needs or feelings of others. I’m sure we have heard this a thousand times, people telling us how selfish we are- all you think about is yourself, all you care

1811, 2020

Living Sober FAQs

When you are transitioning from a drinking life to a sober life you have a lot of questions. Not only about what life will be like, but about a whole bunch of other random stuff that you don't think about

1111, 2020

You Can’t Stay Clean If You’re Still Living Dirty

Lying, manipulating, being lazy, avoiding life... that's not a great recipe for clean living. ⁠ When I think about the person I was in my active addiction, when I was still drinking, and I think about my personality traits and

411, 2020

6 Months Sober

When you are sitting at 1 week sober, or one month sober it can feel like an eternity to get to 6 months. You also have a ton of questions running through your mind about what it's going to be

2810, 2020

Toxic Relationship With Alcohol

Alcohol is gaslighting you. It abuses you and humiliates you, it makes you feel terrible about yourself and makes your anxiety explode- then in the next breath it’s telling you how it can solve all your problems. You don’t drink

2110, 2020

What’s Your Favorite Thing About Being A Sober Person?

We get caught up in the hard work of sobriety and forget to celebrate all the great things that come with the hard work. All the questions about how will people react, worrying about the future, feeling embarrassed and uncomfortable,

1410, 2020

11 Reasons People Stay Drunk

It takes some energy and planning. But it's not impossible to stop the yo-yo sobriety. In this episode I'll tell you 11 reasons people continue to relapse, and some of them you've probably never heard before. A lot of people

710, 2020

Struggles of Quarantine With K. Preston Moore

You may know him from the High Cost of Anonymity podcast, and he is a great friend and confidant to me. In this episode, we talk about quarantine and how quickly it can take a turn for the worse. The

3009, 2020

Powerless AND Powerful

You look at your life, your family, education, and many other things and wonder how anyone could ever call you powerless. You definitely don't want to refer to yourself as powerless. The truth is, we are all powerless in certain

2309, 2020

Amy Dresner Rehab Confidential

Growing up in Beverly Hills, Amy Dresner had it all: a top-notch private school education, the most expensive summer camps, and even a weekly clothing allowance. But at 24, she started dabbling in meth in San Francisco and unleashed a

909, 2020

Looking Back On The First Year Sober

The first months of sobriety are a roller coaster. In the beginning, you feel motivated, strong and confident- then, somewhere along the way, you begin to question if you can really do it, the committee starts telling you it's okay

209, 2020

Don’t Mess Up Your Recovery

In the early days, getting sober feels like a full-time job. You have to think about it all the time, you have to do things to protect your sobriety, you have to have new boundaries with friends and family while

2608, 2020

Sex & Love Addiction with Brianne Davis

We talk about sex addiction, we talk about porn addiction, but how often do we talk about the love part? And how about when we confuse love and lust? It may sound a little weird to talk about love 'addiction',

1908, 2020

Grieving the Loss of Alcohol

Are you trying to get sober but feeling a sense of loss over losing alcohol? You are struggling to see your life without it, wondering what you will do and how you will spend your time- how will it effect

1208, 2020

Jeff Simone of Reaction Recovery

Healing from addiction is a long journey and often a confusing one. You think when you put the substance down, you will feel better. And that is true. But it doesn’t always happen right away. You have a tendency to

508, 2020

The Difference Between High-Functioning & High Bottom

High Functioning Alcoholic In the beginning stages of realizing you’re drinking out of control you wonder how you are high functioning, and an alcoholic. In my day, we went out and bought all the self-help books and vowed to get

2907, 2020

Tricia Lewis from Recovery Happy Hour Podcast

One of the most popular recovery podcasts out there, Recovery Happy Hour, and another badass woman behind the mic. I'm so excited to have Tricia Lewis on the show and I know you are loving it, too! On her podcast

You’re ready to get serious and stop with the wishy-washy BS.

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