Sober Sunday Clubhouse App with Jenna Malyon

You know the importance of building your sober tribe, and Jenna has become a part of mine, and YOURS! In this episode, Jenna shares her recovery journey as someone who got sober during a global pandemic after drinking her

Sober Sunday Clubhouse App with Jenna Malyon2021-06-16T16:00:43-05:00

ADD/ADHD Problems

Have you ever felt like you just don’t fit anywhere because your brain is going 100 mph and no one understands you? Or, you feel like you drive people crazy because you are scattered and disorganized, you constantly interrupt

ADD/ADHD Problems2021-06-09T08:45:34-05:00

Strength In Time With Jarrod Collier

There's a feeling I get when I connect with other people with addiction. It's a deep sense of connection, friendship, acceptance, love, and understanding. We connect on a soul level because we are the only ones that understand what

Strength In Time With Jarrod Collier2021-06-02T09:12:08-05:00

Life Coach v. Recovery Coach

I can't believe it has been 13 years since I took my first course to become a Life Coach. Every day I woke up I wanted to help people. I woke up feeling more and more excited about building the

Life Coach v. Recovery Coach2021-05-26T10:19:20-05:00

Relationship Expert Lana Elco

Lana Elco specializes in working with prominent visionary women and leading women entrepreneurs on their most intimate relationships & deeply private areas of life. Her focus is guiding her clients into the deepest level of intimacy and transforming their intimate

Relationship Expert Lana Elco2021-05-19T11:35:11-05:00

What I Learned Doing 90 Meetings In 90 Days

Before I got sober I struggled to do the most basic things. I spent the majority of my time drunk, hungover, or thinking about and planning the next drinking event. I was full of fear, had to drink to

What I Learned Doing 90 Meetings In 90 Days2021-05-12T10:15:17-05:00

Top 5 Ways To Sabotage Sobriety

Ever wonder "how did they get sober?" when you have been struggling to get there yourself? In the online world, we often compare ourselves to other people... even when we don't mean to. But we have to remember, we

Top 5 Ways To Sabotage Sobriety2021-05-04T11:48:47-05:00

Seltzer Squad: Kate & Jes

The addiction and recovery community has never been more vibrant, open, and fun. And these two ladies are proof of that! Recovery podcasts are popping up left and right. Different people from different walks of life sharing their experiences

Seltzer Squad: Kate & Jes2021-11-21T15:15:15-06:00

12 Morning Routine Ideas

You hear the alarm go off, you don't want to get up because you stayed up late last night watching one more episode of that show you love, you hit the snooze, and hit it again... and again. Next

12 Morning Routine Ideas2021-04-14T09:19:13-05:00
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