Is Relapse A Choice?
EP079- For me, drinking was survival. It was not fun anymore. I hated it. I felt like its hostage, and I despised it. And at the same time, I knew I couldn’t survive without it. When I was living
EP079- For me, drinking was survival. It was not fun anymore. I hated it. I felt like its hostage, and I despised it. And at the same time, I knew I couldn’t survive without it. When I was living
EP77- If we’re 100% honest- if you don’t have a plan, if you don’t take action and do something to support your recovery, then you aren’t feeling great, right? What would it feel like to continue NOT having a
EP76 If you get stuck thinking you have too many obstacles to overcome in sobriety, you're going to love this story. Mark is living proof that almost anything is possible. Overcoming all the odds; child abuse, abandonment, adoption, drugs
EP75- When you feel bad or feel down and you think nothing is working- that doesn’t mean it’s not working. I want you to think about your sobriety and imagine it as an actual bank account- and, at the
You don't want to give in to excuses and drink again, you want to figure out who you are and learn how to deal with emotions instead of escape reality- which is what you've always done. Learning to deal
We all understand when we quit drinking the goal is to not have another drink. But what do you do after that? What do you do to occupy your time or deal with your crazy anxiety? That's the hard
So today I am going to talk about some of the biggest mistakes I see people make in early sobriety or recovery. I say in early recovery, but the truth is, these stumbling blocks can pop up at any
There is no doubt that saying "I’m Sorry" can be difficult and feel super awkward. Some people believe that to apologize is admitting we are ‘wrong’, or it means we ‘lose’ the argument. First of all, if your goal
Do you sometimes feel like you are sabotaging your own sobriety and life? You get some sober time under your belt and start feeling pretty good, then all of a sudden you find yourself drunk again, hating life,
I know some of you are finding yourself in a spot that is super uncomfortable and stressful, feeling like a failure and wondering if you are ever going to be able to figure out this sobriety thing- and I