About Angela

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So far Angela has created 338 blog entries.

When I Wanted to Die

Every morning when I opened my eyes and realized I was alive, I felt defeated. I felt like I was being punished for being a bad person and most days I didn't know how I would survive. For more

When I Wanted to Die2019-03-01T18:47:11-06:00

My Dating Rock Bottom in Sobriety

  Recovery is not a simple and straightforward journey- there are many 'rock bottoms' along the way. As a drinking person I spent more than a decade practicing bad habits in dating. I picked terrible partners, everything revolved around

My Dating Rock Bottom in Sobriety2022-04-30T17:50:33-05:00

What Is This Higher Power Sh*t?!?

This concept of a higher power really gets people charged up, including me. As true rebellious souls, addicted people love to go against the grain. Every grain. And higher power is no different. It feels like people get so

What Is This Higher Power Sh*t?!?2022-12-24T14:19:24-06:00

Alcoholic or Problem Drinker with Angela Pugh

Many of the symptoms you read about on checklists across the internet are very accurate and I want to cover some of those also. But in my head, noticing that my drinking was different from other people was a

Alcoholic or Problem Drinker with Angela Pugh2019-01-09T14:54:53-06:00

Early Sobriety Rollercoaster

Hey everybody welcome to the Addiction Unlimited Podcast- I’m your host, Angela Pugh- Today I will answer a question I got from Nancy in Seattle asking me about my experience in early sobriety and how I felt physically and

Early Sobriety Rollercoaster2022-12-24T14:23:48-06:00

My Moment of Clarity and Early Sobriety

  Hey everybody welcome to the Addiction Unlimited Podcast- I’m your host, Angela Pugh- Today I will answer a question I got from Nancy in Seattle asking me about my experience in early sobriety and how I felt physically

My Moment of Clarity and Early Sobriety2022-12-24T14:18:57-06:00

6 Tips to Stay Sober During the Holidays

We all know holidays are a stressful time. Many struggle with family issues, finances, which house do we go to first, who’s cooking, cleaning, and traveling. It’s a lot to think about. As addicted people there is a general

6 Tips to Stay Sober During the Holidays2018-12-26T10:33:19-06:00

2 Years After Leaving AA: Not Dead, Still Sober with Lara Frazier

I'm scrolling through Instagram one day and this headline catches my eye:  2 Years After Leaving AA: Not Dead, Still Sober. (link below) Immediately I was intrigued. Everybody knows I got sober in AA working the 12 steps and

2 Years After Leaving AA: Not Dead, Still Sober with Lara Frazier2018-12-05T11:14:02-06:00

Did You Lose Friends When You Stopped Drinking or Using Drugs?

Hey everybody, Angela here, thank you so much for taking some time to listen today. We're gonna be doing something a little bit different. I've been putting this out a little bit on social media, not a ton, but

Did You Lose Friends When You Stopped Drinking or Using Drugs?2018-12-11T19:30:33-06:00
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