Addiction Unlimited Dallas Sober Living

A great story with Alison Watros about her journey in personal recovery and how she found her passion of working with women in a Dallas sober living environment!

Windhaven House – Sober Living Dallas

Windhaven House is a transitional sober living program for women who desire comprehensive recovery support after primary treatment. Our two beautiful houses provide the best place to continue your personal growth and work towards independence.

The staff at Windhaven House are dedicated to this vision for each individual woman by affording her a nurturing and compassionate transitional sober living community based on honesty, accountability, responsibility, and the principles of the 12 steps. Our team is focused on helping young women build a foundation of sobriety, have a sense of community, teach life skills, to help nurture growth and development in addiction recovery and to ultimately become the  women that they were created to be.